Opening Event Freekick Academy e.V. in Neuwied/Germany

German-Brazilian Sollano Freekick Cup King 2019

14-year-old German-Brazilian Sollano Matteo Bergen Rodrigues
impressed with his shooting skills and won with a fine performance
the Opening Event of Freekick Academy! He is Freekick Cup King 2019!

A Penalty competition – just for fun – was decided by former pro
Thomas Remark (59). He played during his career in four
countries: Germany, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg.
Neuwieds Mayor Jan Einig scored quite tough but at the end he was edged by the experienced ex-pro.

Former Bundesliga-Pro Thomas Remark congratulates bloody young
Sollano after winning Freekick Cup competition opener.
photo: Jörg Niebergall

Players wishing to attend freekick and penalty events, please
get in touch with Freekick Academy e.V. via



⚽ Arrival at locker room: always half an hour before training time!
⚽ Respectful treatment: hello to coaches and players.



Deactivate, relax, dress up.


Before a training session you should never eat food that is
hard to digest. Last meal at least two hours before training.
In case you’re hungry eat a piece of dry cake. Does not strain
the stomach and sugar provides energy.
Preferred drink: mineral water.




Licensed, creative coaches are welcome
to guide training sessions.
Also for individual training.


Please mail your profile if interested to: